If you find yourself mysteriously reading this, you must have felt called to explore your life’s purpose and perhaps, a tug at your heart to pursue a relationship with one of the most ancient Goddess in existence - Lilith.
Lilith is the Queen of Night, our dark Mother who guides us along the Path of Thorns, for life on earth is a constant battleground of both emotions and adversity. For those who feel called to seek deeper understanding on how to navigate life’s hurdles and blossoming despite all your struggles to emerge as the perfect rose, this is for you.
This evocation rite is done to introduce you to Lilith and you will need to do something easy after to connect with her. A guide will be provided to you.
In erroneous history, it was and still is believed you should be female to develop a relationship with Lilith. This is not true. Lilith welcomes all sincere followers regardless of gender and sexual orientation with a desire to evolve.
Queen Lilith is known to assist one to discover yourself, shed away false illusions to gain inner strength, assists one in progression of your true path and through this, questioning and finally understanding the value of wisdom.
In the darkest of night, depth’s of pain and life’s struggles, a crimson red rose is born. 🌹
With Lilith’s blessings, she can guide you on how to navigate many aspects of life if she wishes to which includes:
- Romantic love
- Fidelity
- Overcoming Adversity
- Hidden things and seeing through illusions
- Self Empowerment
- Development of Beauty and Charm
- Revenge against the cruel
- Inner Strength
- Endurance
- Assisting one to progress in Magick
- Divinition